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My CROWDFUNDING Project has startet!


There are many statements about the cost of a Sixdays event and numbers from 4000, - to 20,000, - Euro depending on the person interviewed ??? But if stone by stone is placed together, you really get feared of starting such a project & many dreams stop here even before been started! Simple numbers: * Competitive motorcycle ........................................ about 10.000, - Euro * Special suspension (shock absorber) ....................... about 4000, - Euro * Special exhaust & other special parts ...................... about 1500, - Euro * Licenses, accommodation, food, etc ....................... about 2000, - Euro * Tires, petrol (transfer), parts, etc ............................... about 3000, - Euro * Helpers, friends, other materials ......................................... priceless! The "phantom number" over such a project easily reaches 20.000, - Euro! What does FAIRPLAID? Every athlete, every team, every club, regardless of sport or level, should deserves fair and equal opportunities to follow their passion without encountering financial obstacles. That's why there is FAIRPLAID:  FAIRPLAID wants to support and maintain the active exercise of sport! Since 2013 the platform supports with experience, personal support as well as strong partners and a lot of passion. To promote and receive what is close to their heart: The diversity in sports. Their next milestone is to distribute at least 10 million euros in sports projects by 2020.


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